Monday, June 6, 2016

Auditing Security Roles in CRM

If you are a CRM professional, you would know about the auditing feature of CRM. There are hundreds of blogs that tell you how to enable/disable auditing in CRM. In general, we don’t think about auditing the security roles. How many times have you heard from the customer that they had access to feature x yesterday, but they can’t do it now? You have no clue if someone has updated the security role or removed access to a specific role.
Auditing of security roles can provide the answers to all those questions. You can enable the the auditing of the security roles entity by selecting the audit checkbox as shown in the following screenshot.

You can also enable the auditing for the Field Security Profile and Field Permission entities.
Now auditing is enabled and you can tell when a new security role is created. If a permission is added or updated in the security role, It will tell you when you assign this security role or remove the security role from the the user or the team record. The following screenshot displays the some of the events associated with security role auditing.
In the screenshot above, we can see:
  • A ”Create” event when a new security role is created.
  • A ”Add Privileges to Role” event when new privileges are added to the security role.
  • A ”Replace Privileges to Role” event when the privileges are updated to the security role.
  • A ”Associate Entities” event when the security role is assigned to a user/team.
  • A ”Disassociate Entities” event when the security role is removed from a user/team.
This is very valuable information for the system administrator.

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