Sunday, May 29, 2016

CRM and Microsoft Flow

This blog is about the new Microsoft Product named Microsoft Flow. A few days ago my colleague told me about Microsoft Flow and my initial reaction was wow, that is cool.

What is Microsoft Flow?

It is preview product that helps you setup automated workflows between different apps.  It can create records, sync files and get notifications etc.. There are a lot of templates available. It supports a wide collection of applications like CRM online, SharePoint Online, Office 365, OneDrive, Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox and even Salesforce and many more.
Check the following link for more information and templates.

Setting up a CRM and Twitter integration workflow using Microsoft Flow

As a CRM guy, I wanted to test some of the CRM templates. There are 7 sample templates available for CRM. I tried the "Create Dynamics Leads based on tweets” template.
Here are all the steps.
  • Go to
  • Search for CRM templates and choose Create Dynamics Leads based on tweets.

  • The template will display the permission(login) screen for Twitter and CRM and add the connection details and click Continue.

  • The template will display the details of the workflow. It has 3 main parts as shown in the screenshot.

  • In the first part, add the query text to look for in new tweets.I have used CreateCRMLead.

  • We don’t have to change anything in the second step. The Get User steps is shown in the following screenshot.

  • In the next step, change the organisation name to your organisation name and click Create Flow

  • The wizard will display the Done button on next screen.

  • You can see your workflow under “My Workflows” as shown in the screenshot.


    Testing the workflow

  • Logon to your twitter account and tweet with the word CreateCRMLead (or whatever query text you used above) in it.

  • Check in the CRM after a few seconds, there will be a new lead as shown in the screenshot.

    It will also add some more information in the description field of the lead.


    Monitoring the workflow

    You can check the how your workflow is performing from the Microsoft Flow site as shown in the screenshot by clicking on “I” next to the workflow.
  • Thursday, May 26, 2016

    Email Signatures in CRM2016

    CRM2016 Update 1 has introduced email signatures in CRM2016. It is very important if you are using CRM web clients. In the past, CRM users used to copy paste their signatures into CRM emails or used email templates for signatures.

    Now you have an option to create one or more personal email signatures.

    1. Go to personal options as shown in the screenshot.

    2. Navigate to the Email Signatures tab and press New.

    3. Enter your email signature and press save.

    4. You have an option to set the email signature as the default by clicking on the Set as Default button.

    Testing the email signatures

    Create a new email activity and your default email signature will appear automatically.


    There is also a button available ‘Insert Signature’, which adds the signature manually or replaces the default signature. These buttons are highlighted in yellow in the above screenshot.

    Note: The embedded images in the email signature will not appear in the email unless they are hosted on the internet.

    So here you go. Now you have email signatures in CRM2016.

    Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    Response Routing Rules in Voice of the Customer’s surveys in CRM2016

    In this blog, we will explore the response routings functionality of the CRM VOC surveys. It is a very powerful feature. The response routings rules are equivalent to the business rules in CRM.
    Response routing rule  has 3  parts:
    1. General Tab (contains the name of the rule and name of the survey)
    2. Conditions Tab ( contains the conditions to be met on the survey)
    3. Actions (contains the actions to be taken when the conditions are met)
      Actions can be of 2 types
      • Client: These actions will be triggered on the survey itself on run time. for example hiding or showing a question.
      • Server: These action will be triggered out side a survey. for example creating a follow up or complaint etc..
    Routing rules can be used to show or hide the questions, skip to a question and end the survey etc.  based on the responses of the user.
    For this blog, I have created a sample survey with the following 3 questions.

    I have set the visibility field of the 3rd question to “Do not display”.If you preview this survey, it will look like the following screen shot.


    What I want to do is that if the users selects the rating of less than 3 for the second question, the survey should display the 3rd question to the user and also create a follow up task.


    We will create a new response routing rule to fulfil the requirement.
    1. Navigate to the the survey and select Response Routing from the drop down menu as shown in the screen shot below

    2. The system will display the list of Response routings associated with the survey.
    3. The system will display the “New Response Routings” form.
    4. Enter the name for the routing rule and press same
    5. Navigate t the  “Conditions” Tab and a new condition.

    6. The system will display the condition form as shown in the screen shot below

      The condition in the above screen should is checking if the rating selected in the question 2 is less than 3.
      Note: The options for “Operator” and  “Comparison Value” will change based on the type of question selected. Save the condition.
    7. Navigate to the Actions tab and add a new action.

    8. The first action will be triggered on the client side. Select Client from the scope. The action form will look like the following screen.

      The Client tab displaying the actions details. In short, it is saying to display the question 3.
    9. The second action will be triggered on the server side.The action form will look like the following screen.

      The Server tab displaying the actions details. The action will create a response outcome record of type follow up add it to <Amreek Singh> queue.
    10. Make sure the response routing rule is activated and test the action.

    Test Results

    Client Side Results

    The following screen shot display the survey screen before responding to the 2nd question.

    The following screen shot display the survey screen after the rating of 2 is selected for the 2nd question.

    It is displaying the question 3 as setup in the client action.

    Server Side Results

    The following screen shot displays the response outcome record created by the server side action.